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ipv6 泄露Mac地址 解决方案

玩PT站的时候, 检查Tracker的时候遇到了.一个提示就是ipv6 会泄露Mac地址. 我去NAS 上使用

检查ipv6和mac地址. 从输出的结果来看ipv6确实泄露了. 这个PT站安全警惕性非常高.遇到不安全的客户端也会通知大家立即停止使用,以及发布一些分析文章.

We have detected one (or more) of your clients on IPv6 is leaking your mac address.
You can recognize these clients as they will end with FF:FE__:____ (where _ is a random hexadecimal character)

ipv6: fdbe:6442:2ece:0:a00:27ff:fe15:fb4e
Mac: 08-00-27-15-FB-4E

提示: 由于十六进制转换,某些MAC编号可能会转换为地址中的字母。这个是正常的。


会出现此问题的系统为 (我使用的) 默认情况下, 此功能在Windows 7,8和8.1中处于启用状态。

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avs2bdnxml 制作SUP格式字幕 | ASS/SSA/SRT字幕转SUP

当混流的视频时候需要SUP字幕文件的时候可以通过avs2bdnxml 把ASS/SSA/SRT字幕转换成SUP格式的.适合一些低级的高清播放机播放特效字幕.

AviSynth rendered subtitles to BluRay SUP/PGS and BDN XML (v2.08)

首先下载源码 avs2bdnxml v2.09 (备用下载址)

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x264 - 高品质 H.264 编码器

H.264 / MPEG-4 AVC 是优秀的视讯编码格式
压缩率极高,可以只用很低 bitrate 提供堪用画质。

而 x264 为免费开放原始码的 H.264 / MPEG-4 AVC 编码器,
是目前编码效率最高的开放原始码 H.264 编码器。


H.264: Wiki
x264: 官网Wiki

.#1F: 下载、基本参数设定
.#2F: GUI - 图形接口 工具接口介绍
.#3F: CLI - 命令列接口 使用教学
.#4F: CLI - FFmpeg with libx264
.#5F: 其他 x264 (CLI) 编译版
.#6F: 常见设备的相容编码参数

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xmrig-nvidia 10系列N卡 挖矿优化

Threads and Blocks for nVidia GTX 10 series

These are the Threads and Blocks settings for GTX 10 series in Windows, by my calculations.
I used SMXx4 for Blocks; it seems the best value; Threads should be used no more than 32;
Ideal TxB = No. of cores; memory needed = TxBx1 (CNL) or TxBx2 (CN) or TxBx4 (CNH);
CN Lite uses 1MB/thread; CN uses 2MB/thread; CN Heavy uses 4MB/thread.
For CN Lite you can use the same settings as CN or double the Blocks to see whitch hashes better.
Windows reserves aprox 21% video memory on all cards in the rig, so your available video memory is smaller than installed video memory. I don't know the exact amount available in Windows for each model; if you add it in the comments, I will update my calculations. I have only GTX 1060 3GB cards.
It seems that:
-the most eficient by utilised cores for CNHeavy is 1050 Ti 4GB;
-the least eficient is 1060 3GB.

GTX Model | Memory | Cores | SMX | Blocks | CN Threads | CNH Threads Linux | CNH Threads Win

Titan Xp | 12 | 3840 | 30 | 120 | 32 | 25 | 20
Titan X | 12 | 3584 | 28 | 112 | 32 | 27 | 21
1080 Ti | 11 | 3584 | 28 | 112 | 32 | 25 | 19
1080 | 8 | 2560 | 20 | 80 | 32 | 25 | 20
1070 Ti | 8 | 2432 | 19 | 76 | 32 | 26 | 21
1070 laptop | 8 | 2048 | 16 | 64 | 32 | 32 | 25
1070 | 8 | 1920 | 15 | 60 | 32 | 32 | 27
1060 | 6 | 1280 | 10 | 40 | 32 | 32 | 30
1060 | 3 | 1152 | 9 | 36 | 32 | 21 | 16
1050 Ti | 4 | 768 | 6 | 24 | 32 | 32 | 32
1050 | 2 | 640 | 5 | 20 | 32 | 25 | 20
1050 laptop | 4 | 640 | 5 | 20 | 32 | 32 | 32
1030 | 2 | 384 | 3 | 12 | 32 | 32 | 32

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真香! 修复Windows 更新服务!

为什么要修复 更新服务呢?
因为找到了一篇文章可以永久激活 Windows. 之前这一文教学了怎么删除 Windows Update 服务.
现在为了永久激活 win 10, 不得不再把更新服务装回去了. 不过激活后需要在把更新服务删除!!!

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